I know I haven't updated in a while, but I brought you a lot of pictures!
My new quilting buddy!
Last week when I helped Brett cut out her blocks, I also finished the top of her quilt! Isn't it great! So full of color and very unique! I love it much more than I thought I would!
When I was at the conference in SF, Danny and I walked around and visited two fabric stores. Fabric Outlet and Discount Fabric. Fabric Outlet was having a 40% off entire store sale...and so I bought the green and brown trees in 3 yards for the back of my parents future quilt. :) Wanted to, and didn't buy anything from Discount Fabric! Proud of myself, thankful for Danny's help. :) But then when driving home, stopped at Joann's for the first time and bought these other five! The dark red and blue in jewel tones for the yo yo quilt, the bright red for Kelly's future I Spy quilt...and the others just for fun. :P
This past weekend in Auburn...I visited two quilt stores while Andrew and the boys were busy getting ready for Rob and Allison's wedding...
The first one I visited was called Runs with Scissors. Very cute, pretty new. A little ridiculous in their many signs for not allowing anyone to use their five parking spaces, but the shop was a Moda lovers heaven! For all the quilters who love Moda, it had many, many of the lines and designers I've heard about. Not seen that in a quilt store before, and it was pretty exciting (read a lot about those designers in my other quilt blogs...). :) They had a class going on. There were four older, overweight women sitting around and sewing...didn't seem super open to younger people. However, the woman was very friendly! I generally liked the vibe. Bought three fat quarters. I haven't ever used words before, but I've seen these prints and envied them a little, and the green one...just loved the little hummers!

I also visited The Tin Thimble. It was a wonderful little vintage place. Didn't have as much fabric as others, but had vintage and previously used patterns, as well as new and old fabrics and other crafty things. :) They had a class going on as well, and a nice big room set up on the side with wide tables, and there were about 8 women making these fun new scarves. It had both a modern and a vintage feel, and very friendly. Bought a couple fat quarters as well. Spent less than $10 in the two stores!
Oh man! I need to start dinner! But one more picture! My wonderful mother in law visited a quilt store for me while she was visiting Seattle! Brought me lots of things!