A long post with pictures!
Last weekend Andrew and I watched an episode of Friends (The One in Barbados) where all the friends had these delicious looking tropical frozen drinks. It reminded me of our own time in the Caribbean and the YUMMY drinks we had. And guess what! I had stuff on hand and we had our very own tasty drinks before the end of the 20 min episode!
Ali's "Caribbean Memories" drinks:
1 c ice cubes
1 shot silver rum
1 shot banana liquor
1/2 c orange/peach/mango juice (Andrew likes the Dole juices, and they are tasty in sweet drinks!)
1/2 can sliced peaches (juice drained)
a couple small slices of fresh pineapple (pineapple is very strong and it also leaves strings, so you don't want too much, I think I used about an inch square)
1/2 c milk (makes it creamy! I used 1%)
Mix all together in a blender and garnish with some pineapple slices! Yum!
Lately have been working on a wedding quilt. Not only for a wedding, but a WEDDING quilt. :) White for the bride and dark purple for her wedding colors. :) I am kind of in a rush to finish, and I was a little at a loss as to how to design a white quilt and make it interesting. I'm hoping the little bit of ivory and light grey I threw in doesn't make it look dirty in the end, but at this point I am confident all my fears will drain when it is completely finished. :)

The bride said she loves lace, and I found a really fun way to highlight it. She also requested purple, but only a little. So it works well with the pattern. Also, I LOVE the white satin-y looking flowers that I used as the center of some of the white blocks. I just wish I had bought more! It was a little expensive so I was worried and didn't buy enough so I had to come up with something different for the other white. I think I'm going to like how it turns out anyway...glittery silver for the others. I think you'll approve when I get pictures up!
ALSO! I (sort of) have my "craft room" ("computer room") set up! A cute desk from my wonderful sister-in-law (with matching bedside tables, Andrew is very thankful since I stole his old one for the livingroom. :P), and lots of light. I was in the middle of starting an episode of NCIS on my computer when I decided to take this shot. Also, a nice replacement meal (it was a busy day with lots of snacking on crackers while I ran from place to place from 8:30am-2pm...) of tangerine slices with cottage cheese! Yum. I always thought it was a weird combination, but I've been super into it for a month now.
As you can see, it's not super neat. I don't claim to be neat, and also, we did just move a couple weeks ago... (that can only be my excuse for a little longer, but instead of using my free time to clean and organize, I use it to sew...hmm...).
My ironing/cutting space right next to the desk - and staying hydrated with my new water bottle!
There is the whole set up. Mostly organized, even if a little messy...and then - THIS:
Oh boy. Showing this just kind of makes me sad. How messy and unorganized! Slobs much?
But my friend Emily came over the other night and when I took her into this room to show her the quilt, she said, "oh good! I kept thinking - 'wow, they just moved and everything is so neat and unpacked already.' This makes me feel better!" Haha. No, I do not have it all together, even if our livingroom/kitchen gives that impression. We live there the most and THOSE places are more comfortable when they are neat (ish). :D
Anyway. I'm currently at work and Kelly and I are playing a match game. I'm going to try to post using my phone more so there are posts with pictures a little more often. I don't get out my camera very often, nor do I really get out my computer that much anymore (except for watching shows while I'm quilting), so getting them both out at the same time is a little...not going to happen very much I guess. :P
Saturday I am having a quilt/craft day with Brett and Megan (we invited Michelle, Ana, and Emily as well, but no one else could come, busy weekend!). I don't know whether I'm just going to work on this wedding quilt all day, or whether I want to work on a bag. I've been a little obsessed with making some sort of tote bag for my quilting stuff the last two days (since I keep things in a brown paper bag at this point...). We shall see.
Have a great day everyone, back to reality!